Monthly Archives: January 2008

HDR – A bit of holiday self indulgence – Part 3

A couple more shots from the other night, they are a bit on the small side, being in landscape format. If you want to see a larger version, you can visit my PBase account here

Wet Sand 1

Wet Sand I

Wet Sand 2

Wet Sand II

Both photos were 3 shot HDR, polariser, ND4 and half grad used. Processed using Photomatix and Photoshop.

Hoping to catch up with a cycle race tonight with an intention of getting some HDR sports, haven’t tried that yet, so will be interesting to say the least. (and before you ask, they’ll be good ol’ one shot pseudo HDR, for the purists out there)

HDR – A bit of holiday self indulgence – Part 2

Short and sweet this one. I decided to take my time and set up my shot. HDR, 3 shots, 2 stops apart, also mounted a polariser, a half grad and a ND 4 filter.


Combined and tone mapped in Photomatix, curve for contrast adjustment in Photoshop. High Pass filter, Shadows and Highlights and some dodging and burning to finish it off.

I have some more to process so I’ll post soon.